Tuesday, October 30, 2012

new house, purity rings, needs job & mentor...

I once received a card from my step mum Melanie that said, "Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens." I was 16 at the time, and on average nothing happened, and then everything decided to happen all at once. I'm still mending back the splittered pieces of 16 and I figure I'll be doing that for a couple more years but the wildly adventurous part of re-piecing something, is that you get to decided what you're going to create.

In the last 8 months my life has very much felt like a slow move with very little progress, while all along my chapters were just beginning to develop. Such as moving back home, building a relationship with Reece, spending my summer with Kyra and Zoe, and of course becoming a Young Life leader for Falls Church. I'm amazed, frankly in awe when I think of how back in March things felt very much like they did when Melanie gave me that card 3 years ago- but now instead of mending and collecting pieces of myself that are no longer whole, I've been given the choice and freedom to instead write the rest of my story.

Lets start with my new community; Back in June I was desperately seeking a community of young women to live and build life long relationships with. Unfortunately I had a couple strikes against me,  being at a community college for one, living in Northern Virginia ($$$) as well as wanting to live with women who could support me in a deep and loving way (lets be honest, until recently I was pretty friendless..) But after much thought, deliberation and pleading on my hands and knees sobbing to God... Hahaha...  I was asked by the one and only Julia Long if I would be interested in living with her, Christy, Hannah and Robyn! Of course the house is literally one street away from Falls Church High School and 2 away from Reece. Even if I wanted to imagine the perfect living situation, it wouldn't come close to the one I'm about to move into. November 11th, here we come!

In regards to my relationship with Reece, we have pulled through another month, or should I say, he has survived another month ;-)))) Since you last read about us much has changed. Both of us growing intertwined as we figure out life, love, laughter and God. In the last few weeks we've decided that we're going to get purity rings, interchanged as promise rings. I've been having a really hard time with this concept because the culture I've grown up in has had different values. In high school, I would laugh and mock at the thought or action of a purity/promise ring. But I am so tired of the way people view sex, marriage and love in our culture. I am so fed up, discouraged and hurt by the way the media has brainwashed young women into believing their worth is in their body and physical appearances. As well as the families that are continuously falling apart each day. So in great rebellion against the rest of the world, I am excited and nervous, but more excited. And I am so lucky that I get to build a relationship with someone who views my worth in a unique way, one that goes against the social norms and against the grain. I always have been a girl of strange and odd ways-

So the story goes, my season of in-between odd jobs continues or ends, I'm not entirely sure as this past Friday, I was let go from my current gig. I'll be completely honest, I wasn't the least bit happy there and am so very glad to be let go and have the opportunity to find an environment where I can thrive or at least feel productive. This would be a key example of how I so seriously live my life in flux. We will see where I'm meant to end up next and until then, I'm not worried nor bothered. Because I always seem to find myself right where I'm supposed to be.

Stay tuned... I've been hoping to find a mentor in recent months and received an email from a woman who loves dresses with pockets and world missions! I will be enjoying live conversation with her this Thursday evening.

Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens.

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