Sunday, February 2, 2014

We're moving to Maine.

Finally I feel as if I'm walking out alive. Burned and bruised from the unyielding secrets that wrecked my reality months ago.  I'm Alive. I'm Alive. There is no brokenness inside. I laugh now, at the process and journey to Whole. I laugh because I'm not there and I laugh because I'm closer then I've ever been, but truly I laugh because Wholeness feels a lot like laughter and

I remember the beginnings of dreaming, it was raining outside in late July. I had the most radiant of people all around, they ranged from 14 to 17 and knew everything about the world and life and love. Most people will tell you teenagers don't know anything about life but they are so incredibly wise and so under heard. We (but I really mean they) decided that we'd buy an RV and establish a mobile, traveling church where we'd all play important roles like hugging sad kids, visting old people who used to be young and living radically together for Jesus. We dreamt for a long time about Wholeness and family and somehow, somewhere the love that connected us and the dreams we dreamed changed each of us that July. And I will never forget, how could I ever forget the handful that rekindled up a dream in my heart that I thought was long dead and gone.

Abby. Isabella. A.J. Bekah. Ines. Sam. Phoebe.

Seven months later the beginnings of a dream dreamt out of pure hearts and pure faith is now unfolding into reality. 

On March 1st Tiffany, Ian and I are moving to Maine!

There is sadness in our hearts as we leave our loved ones and families, but there is also eagerness, expectancy and an adventure we are in awe to be on. Each of us has a different dream and calling to which Maine beckons us- but at the root we all want to see revival, families restored, lost sons and daughters found and love radiate throughout the beautiful state of Maine.

We cannot wait to sink our roots down in the boonies of Midcoast with others who have pioneered before us and are still pioneering the land.

Here's a link to a post that goes more in-depth about our journey and what God has been doing in our lives these past several months.
click here :)

I really feel as though the resounding word that has been repeating over and over in my heart and mind since the summer has been "You call me out upon the water, the great unknown where feet may fail."  I am thankful for all our family and friends who have encouraged us to continue out upon the water, where plans aren't all figured out and trusting in God is scary. I truly believe we are continuing into a season 'where feet may fail' but am so ready for God to pave the way.

1 comment:

  1. Oceans is one of my favorite songs :) Definitely a deep song with a lot of truth behind it.
