Sunday, August 25, 2013

a little blurb about my buddy A.J.

Andrew Joseph, just saying your name brings the biggest smile to my face.

I know it's no surprise to you, or anyone that knew me back in my prime teenage years that I absolutely adored your older brother. Miles and I had a friendship unlike anything I've ever experienced before, we were partners, sidekicks and loved to talk about anything and everything we could. He made me laugh, he made me cry, he was my best friend and no friendship has ever quite compared to what we shared. I can imagine you reading this right now, you're beyond uncomfortable. But trust me A.J., he's apart of our story in so many ways, though we don't talk about them. When the "real world" become our world, Miles and my friendship slowly became a bittersweet memory and I remember how my heart longed for us to tackle the world together again. But so much time passed and we grew, and grew until our days as Chop Pointers came to an end. Fortunately, I'm a woman of second chances, God willing A.J., our paths crossed and my second chance came knocking June 23, 2013, the day I met you.  The 6 weeks we spent together was so healing to my soul, your honesty and authenticity about life and how you do things was so refreshing. Your questions, your jokes, your thoughtfulness and willingness to be a better YOU inspired me and still does. Some of my favorite moments with are our "What is love?" conversations and the slue of jokes that came with it. All of our ridiculously inappropriate dinner conversation, mostly you shaming me for my songs and outlandish behavior. When we decided that I was capable of baptizing the whole camp by myself (though I'm nowhere near ordained.) Our conversations and love for 'The Oh Hello's' and of course when sweet Frickster decided you and him should lay hands and pray over me.

A.J. I love you! I am so thankful I had the opportunity to be your counselor this past summer and be apart of you finding your relationship with Christ. I want you to know that I believe so much in you and your dreams. I want you to know that there is so much crap out in the world and so many people who want to bring you down and see you fail- but keep fighting. Being a Christian is freaking hard and its hard for men and its hard when you're young and its hard when you're new to the realness aspect of it. But keep fighting. My 5 years of walking has been anything but a walk in the park, but what it has been is transforming, worthwhile and full of vibrant young teenagers, like yourself. All this to say, thanks for giving me a second Gatrell chance, for laughing at my jokes and believing in the person that I want to be.

You are so incredibly special to me- can't wait for you to teach me how to sail, how to be a lifeguard, how to teach a real creative writing class but more importantly how to overcome my glitter addiction that has lead to a serious case of glitter lung...

(Remember that one time I was car sick/dehydrated so I was dropped off on the side of the road and started throwing up while everyone else went to free port? LOLOLOLOLOL that was this day.)

All my love, all my heart- R

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