Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goodbye 2012

I still clearly remember ringing 2012 in, singing Proud Mary triumphantly, ending the evening hopeful of romance, endless possibilities and adventure. I thought for hours on what resolutions I'd declare ever so boldly (on facebook, whomp whomp) and couldn't wait to be victorious in the new year. Among my resolutions were; read more novels, cuddle with my mum more, say I love you everydayrealize fear is ok, call my parents more, learn the constellations, drink tea, adore myself, change someones worldrediscover my faithlaugh till I ache and stay up till 5am more (or 4:30). I was impressed and excited- until shortly into the new year, it seemed as though I was dropping out of college, practically friendless and moving back home. Looking back, what better beginning to my redemptive year, then to start it with heartache, confusion and dark times.

With hopes of rediscovering my faith and changing just one persons world, I was about to encounter the greatest adventure, filled with better-then-fairytale-romance and possibilities that would never find an end. God was about to meet me where I was, broken down and full of self hate. He was going to take my fears of abandonment, my heart of sorrow and unfulfilled dreams and breathe me back life. Since, I have fallen more in love then I ever thought was imaginable.

Because I'm grumpy, mean after a mid-day nap, full of judgment towards weirdos at the airport and am often hostile and unwilling towards my parents, God decided to fill my life & heart with the laughter and selfless love of children, the companionship of a humble man and burning purpose and longing to find the apathetic, lonely, 15 year old suburban girl and call her mine, all mine.

And since, how could I have ever looked back? A few simple resolutions and bad days led me right back to NOVA where all along, my world had been growing up, refining and waiting for the moment that I was ready to quit playing it safe.

Now that it's 2013, I want to again begin with a resolution or two, in hopes that I'll be looking back next year in awe of the growth and adventure that life has taken.

  1. Get messy- people rarely have lives that are clean cut and ordinary. Life is messy and loving messy people is extremely challenging. Get involved, be apart, be ok with messy.
  2. Humble myself. I am so very prideful when it comes to food and taking care of myself- but its about time I humble up and accept the love and help.
  3. Be. More. Intentional. 
  4. Take myself less seriously- chill out. 

Just a few of some photos from 2012 :)